Progress continues without me.
Not that I haven't been busy, since my effective exile I have proven more than capable of evading my would-be captors but not without effort. Soon though, I will have secured a proper location to bunker down in and probably go slowly insane or simply inane for want of work.
Speaking of the insane and inane, as I mentioned before I owe my freedom in part to America's election 2016 which has distracted my nemesi as the illusion of choice that has kept America's oligarchy puttering along has reached perhaps a new level of transparency.
Now the Partisans are having to prove truly mental gymnasts to explain why their color of cancer is the slightly better cancer to keep feeding into the Oval Office.
"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."
- John Adams, 1780
Well, the problem there is that while Trump may be a monster, his record of malfeasance so far as I am aware is purely fiscal. He hasn't been complicit in the rigging of any elections. Between him and Hillary, he was the more democratically chosen candidate as the RNC didn't rig the system in his favor. To vote for Hillary is to not just turn a blind eye to corruption, but reward it.
Between this and all of the terrifyingly sinister war industry money crossing over from the Republican Party to Hillary, just about every American paying attention has cause to wonder if Trump really is the more disastrous potential President.
But they are, make no mistake, both utterly disastrous and Trump is no game changer.
You see, if an American votes for Trump, the establishment laughs. That voter has proven the idiot peasant they believe most people (roughly 90%) to be and while Trump is not their first choice they know that Trump is nothing if not For Sale. So should he win, it just might be somewhat more expensive to get what they want.
If an American votes Hillary, the establishment smugly chuckles- because what was that American going to do, vote TRUMP?! Which is all to plan as Hillary isn't just for sale, she's sold. From pushing fracking throughout the world to destabilizing countries and promising lucrative military conflicts- she's there for her Buyers.
Trump will probably do the same, but lacks pre-existing deals aside of whatever he might have made with Bill Clinton when Bill asked him to run.
No, the Democrat and Republican parties don't fear Trump votes.
They fear Jill Stein and (to a lesser extent) Gary Johnson votes.
A viable third party would do irrevocable damage to Republican and Democrat establishments as it would break their monopoly on political expression and undo decades of collaboration to subvert the will of the american public.
To say the election this year is a train wreck is somewhat unfair to train wrecks. When a train wreck occurs, it doesn't usually skid on for the better part of a year and in the process reveal it went off of the tracks decades ago.
So, one of the largest areas of agreement between Trump and Hillary besides building a wall is pressing the falsehood that if you vote third party, you are voting for Trump/Hillary (whichever you hypothetically dislike more).
It's the Hillary supporters that push this hardest, given much of Stein's support comes from all of the Millennials who failed to be wooed by Hillary's rallying cry of 'No We Can't'. After all, if you don't support Hillary Trump will win and that will be your fault, right?
Not the fault of the corruption in the DNC that presented what has proven to be quite possibly the worst possible candidate to run against Donald John Trump Senior and rigged the game to ensure Hillary's self-coronation. Nope, that's not their fault- it's yours, so fall in line peasant.
This tactic of sneering at people until they bow has, surprisingly, failed to work quite as well as some idiot surely imagined.
So with both parties and candidates certain to work hard at nothing more than tanking the United States in idiotic and novel new ways for personal profit I for one can only hope more people see fit to go Green.
After all, Jill Stein would really have to sexually mutilate a hobo on live TV to be quite as objectively unappealing as the 'official' choices and even then would STILL have more credibility.
But all too few Americans will vote Stein this time because the odds of her winning are far too long- and they are. It's vanishingly unlikely. Americans want to win, they want to vote for the winner- and quite frankly most of them will do that even if the winner will bend them over a barrel in the exact same manner.
What manner of winning is that?
Voting Stein is important not because it will help her win this election but because it might just help her win the next. Because there is no rational vote for Trump OR Hillary. Because it is the soul of Democracy to vote for the candidate you believe will look out for your best interests and not for the one who will MAYBE use lube as they screw you over.
If I sound mad, it's because I am.
Being fair though, being on the run is perhaps not helping my mood.
Progress continues.
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